
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Prom Dress Rugby at UCLA

Ok so I know this video technically doesn't have anything to do with Prom, but it does have something to do with prom dresses. I read the title and I laughed out loud. I now think it would be fun to try and do all sorts of sport in a prom dress...perhaps I will actually will.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The New Smokey Eye

Who said smokey eyes only come in black? I don't think we should limit our creativity when it comes to make up, and these girls seem to agree with me. Here are a few girls that think the smokey eye can go beyond the matted blacks and grays. They are using metallic and colors to really make their smokey eyes POP! These looks will be brilliant for this prom season where colors and natural beauty are the trends.

The pink smokey eye: This look can be easily worn during the day without looking over done, but it can also be amped up for a more dramatic night time look. Pinks, even though they are a color, often come across as very natural. Think slightly sun kissed. So this smokey eye is very diverse, don't be afraid to experiment before so you can get it just right on prom night.

The metallic smokey eye: Who knew silver could make such an amazing base for a smokey eye? Well I guess if your thinking metallic then silver would be the obvious choice. That is exactly what this girl thought when she set out to create this brilliant metallic and blue smokey eye.

The smokey brown eye: A little more subtle than the black smokey eye, the brown smokey eye is used for a more natural look. Again feel free to make this darker or lighter depending on what will fit your prom look.